天空對人類來說一直是迷人的夢想,但你應該沒想過會在半空中吃飯吧。只有坐飛機的時候,才可以享受到在空中用餐的不同樂趣,如果餐廳位於搖搖晃晃的半空中,開放式的狀態比搭乘熱氣球還要刺激,你敢在那裡用餐嗎?是不是覺得相當不可思議,來看看你的膽量有多大吧。 (more…)
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每到入手新貨前,總要在網路各大美妝討論區拚命爬文找口碑品?不如參考終日接觸火紅新貨、與美妝朝夕工作的達人們最愛推薦吧——哪些夢幻逸品讓她(他)們一買再買,甚至大量囤貨、唯恐斷貨? (more…)
2014年3月10日中國食肆大獎今年再取得空前成功,經過一輪龍爭虎鬥,備受食客追捧的大溫哥華《食客心水之選大獎》最後20強名單終於出爐!在過去四星期中,大會一共收到了19,612份投票,投票率比起2013年大幅攀升14%,票數及賽果已經由大會指定會計師樓EY Canada核實。是次投票反應空前踴躍,不但反映出中國食肆大獎在食客心目中的領導性地位,更顯示出餐廳只要肯用心做、能夠滿足食客的味蕾,一定會獲得廣大市民的支持和肯定。這份投票結果除有助於奠定中國食肆大獎的中餐飲食指南翹楚地位,更成為本地中菜餐飲潮流的風向球。 (more…)
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles (PS3) Review
Rated T for Teens By ESRB. It’s been about 10 years since its original release, and not it’s back in HD glory. Namco Bandai has released the Tales of Symphnoia Chronicles collection on PS3 for all to enjoy. (more…)
Knack (PS4) Review
Rated E for Everyone by ESRB. Knack is probably the closest thing to a Crash Bandicoot launch title PS4 fans are going to get. It’s a charming and fun platformer/beat-em-up game, that follows Knack, a being made from relics of a forgotten past. When the cities of the humans are under attack from the ever-growing Orc threat, a human doctor presents Knack to them, and tells them that he will be an invaluable asset in taking down the Orcs. Knack is able to get larger in size, and more powerful as well when he absorbs relics scattered throughout the games levels. As he gets bigger in size, his health bar increases as well. Knack’s voice also gets deeper as well, and his facial structure changes too. Knack proves himself to be a great and powerful ally, but an even greater evil looms over the orcs that Knack and the humans will have to prepare themselves for! Presentation: Graphics: Sounds:
Gameplay: Conclusion:
Written by Flair Li |
Ten Sushi 回轉壽司新定義
Ten Sushi的特色是用料新鮮製作講究和超大片生魚壽司,足有十多公分長!芥末和薑片也都是自家新鮮製作,他們家還有拉麵,湯底也是由雞湯熬制兩天而成。老闆兼主廚對選料,製作,烹飪,擺盤每一步都精益求精,最後呈現給食客最高品質的享受。 (more…)
The Walking Dead Season 2: Episode 1(Xbox 360, PS3, PC) Review
Rated M for Mature by ESRB.
The critically acclaimed Walking Dead video game series is back for its second season, picking up a little bit of time after the events of what happened in the first season. This time around, you play as Clementine, the little girl Lee took care of all throughout the first season. The game does take into account your choices from the first season, and will incorporate them throughout the season. Clemetine isn’t Lee, she isn’t as strong, she’s young, afraid, and still growing up in this dark world. The game begins with Clementine travelling in a group with Omead and Christa, characters from the previous season. For the sake of the review, and keeping everything a surprise to those who want to play the game, I won’t reveal what happens in the story itself. The game’s story does revolve around Clementine proving that she can be trusted and take care of herself. It’s an interesting perspective, but since she is a kid, and now the zombie infestation has been going on for a long time, it’s probably fair to see why people would be so doubtful of people’s trust in this cruel world. Season 2 plays the same as Season 1, you pick from one of four dialogue boxes and are given a time limit to make your choice. There are still quicktime events where you’ll have to press certain buttons rapidly to run away from zombies or do other certain acts. Visually, Season 2 looks much more crisp and detailed than the first. The visuals look much less bland and cel shaded, and appears more life-like than before.
Season 2 still very much so retains its style from Season 1, but just presents itself in a much crisper and clearer way. The Walking Dead Season 1 was very well received and won a ton of awards, and from the look of things, it looks like Season 2 is going to do the same. It starts off on an extremely dark note, and tries to present little glimmers of hope and happiness, but then takes them away from you and casts you back into darkness. It’s cruel, but supremely engaging and emotional. Season 2 is episodic so we are going to have to wait a few months in-between each episode until the next one is ready, and the wait is as painful as ever. I’m intrigued by Clementine’s story and how much differently she plays than Lee. While the characters right now may not seem quite as memorable, I’m sure they’ll develop more as the episodes carry on. The Walking Dead Season 2 is looking to be an excellent story and fantastic game, and is a must-buy for fans of story-based games or the first season of The Walking Dead.
Written by Emma Hu