

Salt Creek

Salt Creek在二戰時被用作防禦港口,因此其營地遺址非常有名。除此之外,放風箏、曬日光浴、沖浪、劃船、潛水等活動也應有盡有,還有籃球場、壘球場和排球場供運動愛好者消遣。晚上可以點篝火、燒烤,甚至乘船到Strait of Juan de Fuca看海。
電話: 360-928-3441
地址: 3506 Camp Hayden Road, Port Angeles, WA 98363


Photo Credit: blog.brendalafleur.com



Dungeness Recreation Area

在此露營可以看到Mt. Baker,距離野生動物保護區(Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge)也不遠。玩累的時候去看看野生動物,也是趣味橫生的體驗!Dungeness Recreation Area內的露營地點有兩個,一個在Strait of Juan de Fuca上方的山崖上,另一個則在森林裏。大家按照自己的興趣選擇啦!
地址:554 Voice of America West, Sequim, WA 98382


Photo Credit: northwestphotos.wordpress.com



Takhlakh Lake

Takhlakh景色怡人,在此釣魚、野餐、劃船絕對是一大享受,美中不足的是無法洗澡。北邊的trail可以看到Mt. Adams, 想看湖景的可以露營在Trail #134, 對牧場更感興趣的則建議選擇trail#136。
路線: From Randle, Washington travel south on State Highway 131 (Forest Roads 23 and 25). Veer left in 1 mile at the Y of Forest Road 23 and Forest Road 25. Continue to follow Forest Service Road 23 for 30.2 miles and turn left on Forest Road 2329. Follow Forest Road 2329 for .78 miles. Road 2329 turns to the right at the junction of Forest Road 5601. Turn right and continue to follow Forest Road 2329 for another .7 miles and arrive at the campground on your right.

Photo Credit: www.seattlemag.com

Photo Credit: www.seattlemag.com



Lake Ann (Mt. Baker Highway)

這個露營地點位於Mt. Shuksan西邊,可以看到Fisher煙囪,Curtiss冰川,以及Mt.Baker。此路線的亮點在於到達camping地點之前的hiking, 途經森林,盆地,溪流,牧場,綠草油油,野花遍地。露營地點在Lake Ann湖畔,劃船、釣魚等活動也值得嘗試!
路線:From I-5 North, take exit 255 and continue on Hwy 542 to Glacier, where you will find services and tourist information. From Glacier, continue on Hwy 542 another 23 miles to Austin Pass. The well marked trailhead will be on your right with a paved parking lot just below Artist Point.


Photo Credit: ksnapped.wordpress.com



Ginkgo Petrified Forest / Wanapum Recreational Area

Ginkgo Petrified Forest State Park佔地7470英畝,擁有27000英尺的淡水河岸。上世紀30年代時這裏發現了木化石,因此被譽為世界上最為特別的化石森林之一。在此處野營,應該別有一番滋味。
電話:(509) 856-2700
地址:4511 Huntzinger Rd, Vantage, WA 98950


Photo Credit: www.parks.wa.gov



Ohanapecosh Campground

Ohanapecosh Campground位於雷尼爾雪山國家公園的東南部,森林環繞,雪融成河,7-8月還可以看到世界聞名的野花展覽。夏季氣候涼爽晴朗,到達Paradise和Sunrise景區也十分方便,對於遠足愛好者們來說,這裏的確是周末休閑的不二選擇。
地址:208 Ohanapecosh Road,Packwood WA 98361


Photo Credit: www.pinterest.com



文_Ashley Zhang